A Blog of encouragement for life in the 21st Century

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Procrastination Alert

This is a warning! If you are easily addicted to puzzles and games read no further. I cannot be held responsible for the procrastination that comes from going to this website.

My friend Winifred introduced me to Su Doku. It is a very addictive number puzzle made popular in Japan. It is printed daily in the NY Daily News. But I found the Queen Mary of Su Doku treasures - a java scripts that creates unlimited puzzles. You can even print these out and take them with you.

This is my last warning. Don't click this if you are weak...

Su Doku Puzzle Creator

Tell me if you like it

The Results Are In

Here are the results (see my last post):

The Top 4 Characteristics of Effective Leaders
1. Honest
2. Forward Looking
3. Competent
4. Inspiring

How do your leaders score in these? How do you score in these?