A Blog of encouragement for life in the 21st Century

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Puerto Rico 2005

Just got back this week from a wonderful time in Puerto Rico. It was nice and sunny and warm. I took this picture by the poolside. Really liked how they placed these trees.
We went there to visit some of my wife's older relatives. It's been really difficult seeing those we love grow older and in many cases weaker. It was a reminder to us of our mortality. We are heading towards the decline of our bodies and eventually our deaths. But we saw this against the backdrop of God's wonderful creation. And even though it too is enslaved to decay, it's beauty reminded me that things won't always be this way. I'm looking forward to the day when Jesus will come in the full power of his resurrection to put things into their proper condition. When our bodies won't grow old and sickly, but instead will eternally remain healthy and vibrant. More healthy and vibrant than we have ever known.
But until then we persevere...