A Blog of encouragement for life in the 21st Century

Friday, March 25, 2005

Blogger Break

I was shocked when I looked at the date on my last post. Guess I needed a little blogger break. We were speaking of fasting.

Here's something that became really clear to me from Richard Foster's book. I had actually considered a 24 hour fast to last from when you woke up, going the whole day without eating until you ate breakfast the next day. Well in reality, that was fasting 32 hours or more: 24 hours plus the number of hours you slept before your fast plus the time between your last meal and the time you went to sleep.

Foster suggests the Lunch to lunch fast for those learning the discipline of fasting. Eat Breakfast and lunch, then fast until lunch time the next day. This is 24 hours of fasting but you miss 2 meals. Maybe this sounds like to little, but it is actually attainable.

You can then build up to longer fasts: 32 hour, 3 day, 7 day etc. Remember fasting is a discipline and disciplines are built over time. Start out slow and become habitual with it. Then build on what you have.

Sorry for the long delay. Look to hear from me a little bit more frequently.


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