A Blog of encouragement for life in the 21st Century

Thursday, February 03, 2005

Discipline 1: Aummmm....Aummmm...Not

That is not the meditation that I am talking about here. Meditation in the biblical sense of the word is wayyyy different than that of Eastern meditation. Eastern meditation's goal is to detach from all sense of self to meld into the cosmic consciousness (whatever that is). Biblical meditation on the other hand is to attach yourself to God Himself. Here are two fantastic quotes from Richard Foster:

"Christian meditation, very simply, is the ability to hear God's voice and obey His Word"


"What happens in meditation is that we create the emotional and spiritual space which allows Christ to construct an inner sanctuary in the heart"

Our city is so noisy. And even if we hide away from it all, our minds are so noisy. It is very difficult to quiet ourselves. Our mind tends to wander towards what we have done, what we have yet to do, or a host of other musings which have nothing to do with anything. It's amazing the thoughts that can come into your head when you are trying to be quiet. Stuff that you haven't thought of in 20 years somehow come to be the most dominant thought in your head when you're trying to be still! Can I get a witness?

Meditation is not only a discipline. It is also a grace. We need it. God supplies it to us and meets us there with a portion of exactly what we need to begin, brick by brick, to create that inner sanctuary that Foster spoke of. At first it is difficult to quiet yourself. But ask the Father and He will help you do it.

I have been practicing one of the forms of meditation mentioned in the book recently and it has been a blessing to me. It is called Re-Collection. I'll speak about it next time.

The original Post Discipline

"Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster


Blogger Hillary said...

"Can I get a witness?"

YES!!! It's so hard, like you say, to collect thoughts, To be still and quiet before God. Whenever I try, it occurs to me taht with more practice, it would be easier. Hmm... maybe God's trying to tell me somehting! ;)

Sunday, February 06, 2005 10:56:00 AM


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