A Blog of encouragement for life in the 21st Century

Friday, February 04, 2005

Discipline 1, Part 2

In my last post I spoke of a type of meditation mentioned in the book which has been quite a blessing to me of late. It is called Re-Collection or Centering. Foster describes it as:

"A time to become still, to enter the recreating silence, to allow the fragmentation of our minds to become centered."

Remember that problem with our brain? Thoughts which clutter the stillness we are trying to achieve? Re-Collection helps us silence those thoughts, put them aside, receive God's grace, and move into his inner sanctuary of peace. Sounds good , right? It is good

Here's how it works. All of the thoughts that barge their way in need to be submitted to the Father.

Count your many stressings, name them one by one...Oh, sorry. That's another song...

But that is what you do. Line them up. One after another. And present them to the Lord submitting them to Him. And then release them to his care.

Present...Release...Present...Release...Present...Release...Are you getting it?

Then, after you are finished with this, line them up again. And in faith say what grace you accept from the Father for meeting these needs.

Let's say someone's doing the ChaCha on you last nerve. Present the person and the situation and release them to the authority of God. Then say to the Father, "I receive your peace and patience to persevere in this situation." Or whatever grace you need.

You will find a stillness at the end of this practice. At this point be quiet and listen...Just listen and you will understand why this has been such a blessing to me.

Go ahead, try it for a couple of days. Ask God to show you how. Let me know how it worked for you. I like comments ;)

The original Post Discipline

Summary of the book: "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard Foster


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